Our participation in projects

Our participation in projects

The QuaPA unit has been a scientific partner in many projects of different sizes. Here are listed ANR (The French National Research Agency) and European projects in which the unit has been involved since 2010.

Since 2010, the QuaPA unit was involved in seven projects funded by the European Commission:

The collaborative project SAFFI (2020-2024): Safe Food for Infants in the EU and China. This project is coordinated by Erwan Engel, QuaPA Unit.

The collaborative project INNOSALT (2019-2022): Optimizing salting during the smoked salmon and trout process.

The collaborative project TERIFIQ (2012-2015): Combining technologies to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium, fat and sugar content in everyday foods whilst optimizing their nutritional quality.

The collaborative Project DREAM (2009-2013): Design and development of realistic food models with well-characterized micro - and macro-structure and composition.

The integrated project Q-PORKCHAINS (2007-2012): Improving the quality of pork and pork products for the consumer : development of an innovative, integrated, and sustainable food production chain of high quality pork products matching consumer demand.

The integrated project PROSAFEBEEF (2006-2011): Improving the safety of beef and beef products for the consumer in production and processing, QuaPA was a Work Package leader.

The integrated project TRUEFOOD (2006-2010): Traditional United Europe Food: valorisation of traditional food products in Europe.

During the same period, QuaPA was a scientific patner in 13 research projects funded by the ANR (The French National Research Agency). Below are listed the six most recent:

Deal4Hand (2024-2026), Digital design of functional foods for people with multiple disabilities: a socially acceptable innovation? This project is founded in the call: SAPS-RA-AI - Science avec et pour la société –Ambitions innovantes. Coordinated by QuaPA.

OutLabMRI (2020-2023), Imagerie RMN hors du laboratoire : vers de nouveaux horizons pour les agro-écosystèmes. Project funded in the call : Innovations scientifiques et technologiques pour accompagner la transition écologique. Coordinated by QuaPA.

SENTINEL (2020-2023), Des outils de screening haut-débit pour une surveillance renforcée de la sécurité chimique des aliments. Project funded in the call : Alimentation et systèmes alimentairesCoordinated by QuaPA.

Sal&Mieux (2020-2023), Optimiser l’usage du sel de table. Project funded in the call : Alimentation et systèmes alimentaires.  Including a Work Package coordinated by QuaPA.

AlimaSSenS (2014-2019), a project in the “Enjeux agroalimentaires” program; a nutritional, suitable and healthy food supply for senior populations, including a Work Package coordinated by QuaPA.

SOMEAT (2013-2017), a project in the ALID program: Food safety for meat produced in organic farming, coordinated by QuaPA.

QuaPA is also envolved in Qualiment and 3BCAR Carnot Instituts.

LIGNOXYL 2.0 (2016-2018): Oxydation of lignocelluloses by hydroxyl radicals generated by chemical and enzymatic ways, including a work package coordinated by QuaPA.

STABOXAL (2014-2016), coordinated by QuaPA.

INRA has initiated metaprogrammes in which QuaPA is involved:

INSECT4CITY (since 2020) from the BETTER metagrogram, coordinated by QuaPA.

PLEASIN (2016-2018) from the Did'It metaprogram.

VALORCARN (2015-2017) from the GloFoods metaprogram, coordinated by QuaPA.

Modification date: 26 June 2024 | Publication date: 05 June 2015 | By: QuaPA